Creatives Convene on COVID-19

Creatives Convene on COVID-19
Thursday, April 30 at 6 PM ET

Missed the talk? Here’s the recording.

The coronavirus pandemic has created an unprecedented crisis for artists and has cost Miami-Dade’s arts and culture community an estimated $22.9+ million according to a recent survey from the county Department of Cultural Affairs.

In a hyperlocal conversation to discuss the pressures facing artists, explore a possible future with our panelists:

  • Rosie Gordon-Wallace, founder of Diaspora Vibe Cultural Arts Incubator, arts advocate and community builder, her recently co-curated exhibition “Inter|Sectionality: Diaspora Art from the Creole City” at Corcoran School of the Arts and Design has been heralded as bold, multiregional and multidisciplinary.

  • GeoVanna Gonzalez (, artist and curator of Supplement Projects, her practice explores shifting notions of gender and identity in our environment, and the relationships between the organic and the technological. Learn more about Play, Lay, Aye, her modular social sculpture that has been adapted for both institutional and public spaces.

  • Esther Park is a Miami-based and respected arts leader, writer and connector known for her risk-taking cultural programming. She is currently the VP of Programming at Oolite Arts, and has a long history of supporting creatives and arts organizations in Miami and beyond. Read more about Esther here.

  • Misael Soto’s (Department of Reflection) practice interrogates and subverts contextually associated everyday objects and systemic roles. Born in Puerto Rico and based in Miami, learn more about their Art in Public Life Residency as the inaugural resident with the City of Miami Beach and Oolite Arts.

Dejha Carrington