Alone, Together

Believing is Seeing (2018) by Jared McGriff

Believing is Seeing (2018) by Jared McGriff

You joined Commissioner to build your collection, learn about collecting and to invest in your community. We are so very grateful that you are part of this journey, which we plan on pressing forward with, albeit with a few pivots and detours. In the next few weeks, we will be focused on generating new opportunities and content to keep you informed and engaged. We are also forging ahead with art commissions, and will be rolling out a plan for delivery, pick-up or programming when conditions are safe for everyone.

Rebekah and I founded Commissioner because we believe that artists help build stronger cities. Together with you, we are commissioning artists, working with filmmakers and contributing to Miami’s creative economy when it is most needed. Thank you.

On a more personal note, in the fall of last year, Jared McGriff opened his first solo exhibition. The name: "Alone, Together". These two words have been ringing in my ears as of late.

Alone and together are being used more than ever to describe the social distancing, isolation and self-quarantine we have all been relegated to because of the novel coronavirus. Quite possibly the editorial zeitgeist of this pandemic, "Alone, Together" is the name of This American Life’s latest segment; it was also the title of The Daily podcast last Friday. There have been more sightings.

With many of us grappling to make order of these uncertain times, I take solace in Jared’s interpretation, which paints an introspective picture of how “each person is struggling to belong and hold their social relationships as closely as they have to hold on to their self.”

The exhibition "Alone, Together" ultimately asked a central question: what’s more important to us, connecting deeper with ourselves or with each other? Today, I think the answer is both. Both are important.

Warmly, Dejha Carrington Co-Founder, Commissioner

Joanna Davila